Collection: The Journey Inward Collection

The “Journey Inward” Collection is back. A deep Reflection of my Spiritual Journey Inwards. The series started as the “Weekly Inspiration Project”, but let’s be real… I definitely had way too much faith in myself that I could actually keep up with this once per week!

With surrender and self compassion, now I really let this series flow at it’s own pace.

Where does the journey actually begin?  It all starts with a thought.  Not just any thought - a deep thought.  One that makes us question and contemplates our entire existence.  These soul searching questions help execute our personal growth.  Who Are We?  Why were we put here?  And What Lights us up?

After contemplation, comes intention and action. That moment we make a conscious decision to step outside WHO WE THOUGHT WE WERE,  in order to step into WHO WE REALLY ARE.  We must go to that place “within” to search deeper into our true selves. 

Easier said than done… 

I hope this series inspires you along your own soul searching journey.